属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-衰退与创业 Downturn, Start up
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-电信网络双巨头 Two’s company in
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-酒醉以酒解 A Hair of The Dog
1 | 桔子在英国长不好。 | Oranges will not grow well in England. | |
2 | 苜蓿在有效钙含量不足的土壤上生长不良。 | alfalfa will fail to grow well on soils which lack sufficient amounts of available calcium | |
3 | 土壤的表层不会很厚--也许只有几英寸。可这是世界上最重要的东西之一。植物要长得好,需要有良好的表土。 | The top layer of this soil is not very deep perhaps only several inches. But it is one of the most important things in the world. To grow well , plants need good topsoil. | |
4 | 土质不好,花就长不好。 | Flowers will not grow well in poor earth. | |
5 | 我保证所有的牲口都能长得好。 | I will undertake that all the cattle shall [will] grow well . | |
6 | 现在,让我们来看看蚯蚓是怎么做到这些的吧。蚯蚓生存于地下,它们在地下钻来钻去,把泥土钻成一条条蜿蜒而长的孔道,如同街道一般。那些“长廊”或者“隧道”可以使泥土松弛,所以有利于植物的根部生长。 | Now let us see how this is done. The worms live underground. They make long, winding halls, like streets, some inches below the top soil. The halls or little tunnels help to keep the earth loose, so that the fine roots of the plants can grow well in it. | |
7 | 一旦庄稼在这肥沃的土壤里生了根,就会生长很茂盛。 | Once the crop has rooted in this soil, it should grow well . | |
8 | 在贫瘠的土地上庄稼长不好。 | Plants can’t grow well in the infertile land. | |
9 | 作物在肥沃的土壤里长得好。 | Plants grow well in good soil. | |
10 | ||1:费尔利在美国最近的经济衰退中发现的证据表明,其他就业机会的枯竭对创业的刺激超过了崩溃的房地产市场的阻碍。||2:也就是说,经济萎缩也使得年轻企业难以扎根和成长。||3:考夫曼基金会(一个致力于研究企业家的组织)资助的一项研究表明,美国大多数就业机会的增加要归功于新企业,在2009年仅增加了230万就业,而在去年这数字是300万左右。 | ||1: Mr Fairlie finds evidence that the spur to enterprise during the most recent recession in America from a drying-up of other employment opportunities outweighed the drag on business formation from a collapsing housing market. ||2: That said, a shrinking economy also makes it hard for young firms to take root and grow. ||3: A study commissioned by the Kaufmann Foundation, an organisation devoted to entrepreneurs, suggests that young companies, typically responsible for the bulk of US job creation, added only 2.3m jobs in 2009, down from about 3m a year earlier. | |
11 | ||1:抗议者们不清楚的信息和公共没有中心失落感一致。||2:但这对政治或是更大范围的的事件上并没有产生明确的影响。||3:关键的是,大部分的抗议活动缺少本周使希腊经济陷于瘫痪的有组织的工人们的支持。||4:只有改变这种情况,他们才能对当选政府构成威胁。||5:抗议者们可以占领全球的金融市场,但是还没有证明自己可以吓到它们。||6:但是如果人们对西班牙或意大利政府提高税收,削减开支的能力更加怀疑,那么结果可能使借贷国家对其丧失信心。||7:抗议者们影响力日渐增加,他们总有一天能改变世界,尽管这样的改变并不是对每个人都有利。 | ||1:The protests’ vague message chimes with a public sense of unfocused dismay.||2:But this is not yet having any clear effect on politics, or the wider course of events.||3:Crucially, most protests lack the sort of support from organised labour that crippled Greece this week.||4:Only if that changes can they be a threat to elected governments.||5:The protesters can occupy world’s financial markets physically, but they have not shown they can spook them.||6:However if doubts grow about the ability of governments in Spain or Italy to enforce tax rises and spending cuts, the result could be a collapse in lenders’ confidence.||7:With more muscle behind them, the protesters could yet change the world, though the shift might not be to anyone’s advantage. | |
12 | ||1:美国去年掀起了一波社会保守主义热潮。||2:据说这些社会议题,会激发美国人在投票时,割舍自己的经济利益:一名厂工投票支持了一位反对堕胎的共和党人;作为回报,他得到的是反工会法律。||3:去年这个老生常谈的话题的局面得到了扭转。||4:2010年,美国人支持经济紧缩政策;2011年他们得到限制堕胎法。||5:对于反对堕胎的人来说,这是几十年来最高兴的一年。||6:对于巴拉克.奥巴马而言,让他头疼的堕胎议题,看上去又要“强势回归”了。 | ||1:Last year saw a surge in social conservatism.||2:It has been said that social issues inspire Americans to vote against their economic interests: a factory worker elects an anti-abortion Republican; in return he gets anti-union laws.||3:Last year the adage was reversed.||4:In 2010 Americans voted for economic austerity; in 2011 they got abortion restrictions.||5:For those who oppose abortion, it was the most promising year in decades.||6:For Barack Obama, it was a headache that looks set to grow worse. | |
13 | ||1:然而这些兼并案例并没有获得多少成功。||2:诺西的年度收益至今还是负的。||3:在11月23日,诺西宣布将裁员17000人(现有员工数74000人),将把经营聚焦于蓬勃发展的移动宽带网络业务和相对强劲的代维业务(如管理和维护网络)。||4:诺西已经出售了自己的微波业务部门;并于11月29日宣布售出了另一个小业务单元。||5:据报,阿朗在3季度销售额下跌,现金流为负。||6:投资者也开始对阿朗的老板本. 韦华恩失去耐心。 | ||1:None of these mergers has brought much success.||2:NSN has yet to make an annual profit.||3:On November 23rd it said it would shed 17,000 of its 74,000 workers and concentrate on mobile-broadband networks, for which demand is set to grow explosively, and on services (eg, managing and maintaining networks), where it is relatively strong.||4:It had already sold a microwave-technology business; and on November 29th it announced the sale of another small unit.||5:Alcatel-Lucent reported falling revenues and negative cashflow in the third quarter.||6:Investors are said to be impatient with its boss, Ben Verwaayen. | |
14 | ||1:一个更高的储蓄率如果是通过增加收入而非降低花销所成就那么经济所承受的创伤会更小。那将会发生。||2:无党派国会预算局,在其1月31号发布的经济前景报告中预计真正的可支配性收入将会在今年增长3%,这得益于更快的工资增速和通货膨胀的大跌落。||3:这项报告同样预测那将会促进消费的增长,同时也会促进GDP总体上升2个百分点。 | ||1: A higher saving rate would be much less painful for the economy if it were achieved through increased income rather than lower spending. That could happen. ||2: The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO), in its economic outlook released on January 31st, reckoned that real disposable incomes would grow by 3% this year thanks both to faster wage growth and a big drop in inflation. ||3: That, it reckons, should support growth in consumption and overall GDP of 2%. | |
15 | 本发明的酵母细胞在培养时通常生长良好,尽管它们的甘油产量下降。 | Yeast cells of the invention often grow well when cultivated, despite their curtailed glycerol production. | |
16 | 长着绿手指的人是有魔法的,只要他一碰,植物就长的又快又好。 | A person with green finger has a magic touch that makes plants grow well and quickly. | |
17 | 农民通常认为培育出品质优良的作物需要大量的光照。但(实际上)许多蔬菜在没有太多光照的情况下也能茁壮成长。 | [Translation] Farmers often feel they need a lot of sunshine to produce a good crop. But lots of vegetables grow well without much sun. | |
18 | 去年这些研究者们在试验田内见了多达一打品种的小树,以探究哪些品种在一起长得好。 | Last year the researchers set out young trees in test plots of up to a dozen species to find out what kinds grow well together. | |
19 | 然而,并非只有农作物长势良好,研究发现,拱形温室中的杂草生长速度更快。 | However, crops are not the only things that grow well . The research found that weeds grow faster in a hoop house. | |
20 | 他们一直使用常规的种植方法来研究和培育能在干旱条件下良好生长的大豆。 | They have been using conventional breeding methods to develop and test soybeans that can grow well under dry conditions. | |
21 | 他们一直在使用传统的育种方法来培育可以在干旱条件下生长良好的大豆。 | They have been using conventional breeding methods to develop soybeans that can grow well under dry conditions. | |
22 | 研究表明,白洋松在贫瘠的土壤也能很好的生长。 | If the quality of the land is not very good, studies have shown that one kind of tree that can grow well is the white pine. | |
23 | 这片庄稼长得不好据一位农学家看一方面是由于品种,另一方面是由于追肥不匀。 | The crop did not grow well what with species and what with non-uniform top application of fertilizer, according to an agronomist. | |
24 | 这是一品东方杂交品种,所以生长条件要求有点高,排水良好、肥沃的土壤里才长得好。 | This is an oriental hybrid and so is slightly more demanding to grow, needing well-drained, but rich, soil to grow well . | |
25 | 这样不仅能促进世界经济的增长,而且是按照以前十几年来从未有过的更为平衡的方式增长。 | That will help the world economy grow well again, but in a more balanced fashion than we saw in the past decade. |